Saturday, April 2, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Friday, February 11, 2011
Declan Galbraith - World
Karangan Terbaik UPSR 2007
Selepas emak menikam perut saya berkali-kali dengan garfu barulah saya bersetuju untuk mengikutnya. Kami berjalan sejauh 120 kilometer kerana pasar itu letaknya 128 kilometer dari rumah. Lagi 8 kilometer nak sampai pasar saya ternampak sebuah lori kontena meluru dengan laju dari arah belakang.
Dia melanggar emak saya. Emak saya tercampak ke dalam gaung. Dia menjerit “Adoi!”. Lepas itu emak saya naik semula dan mengejar lori tersebut. Saya pun turut berlari di belakang emak saya kerana takut emak saya melanggar lori itu pula. Pemandu lori itu nampak kami mengejarnya. Dia pun memecut lebih laju iaitu sama dengan kelajuan cahaya. Kami pula terpaksa mengejar dengan lebih laju iaitu sama dengan dua kali ganda kelajuan cahaya. Emak saya dapat menerajang tayar depan lori itu. Lori itu terbabas dan melanggar pembahagi jalan lalu bertembung dengan sebuah feri. Feri itu terbelah dua.
Penumpang feri itu yang seramai 100 orang semuanya mati. Pemandu feri itu sangat marah. Dia pun bertukar menjadi Ultraman dan memfire pemandu lori. Pemandu lori menekan butang khas di dalam lori dia..lori itu bertukar menjadi robot Transformer. Mereka bergaduh di udara. Emak saya tidak puas hati. Dia pun terus menyewa sebuah helikopter di Genting
Highlands dan terus ke tempat kemalangan. Dia melanggar pemandu feri yang telah bertukar menjadi Ultraman itu.
Pemandu feri itu terkejut dan terus bertukar menjadi pemandu feri semula lalu terhempas ke jalanraya. Pemandu feri itu pecah. Pemandu lori sangat takut melihat kejadian itu. Dia meminta maaf dari emak saya. Dia menghulurkan tangan ingin bersalam. Tetapi emak saya masih marah. Dia menyendengkan helikopternya dan mengerat tangan pemandu lori itu dengan kipas helikopter. Pemandu lori itu menjerit “Adoi..!” dan jatuh ke bumi. Emak say menghantar helikopter itu ke Genting Highlands. Bila dia balik ke tempat kejadian, dia terus memukul pemandu lori itu dengan beg tangannya sambil memarahi pemandu lori itu di dalam bahasa Inggeris.
Pemandu lori itu tidak dapat menjawab sebab emak saya cakap orang putih. Lalu pemandu lori itu mati. Tidak lama kemudian kereta polis pun sampai. Dia membuat lapuran ke ibu pejabatnya tentang kemalangan ngeri itu. Semua anggota polis di pejabat polis itu terperanjat lalu mati. Orang ramai mengerumuni tempat kejadian kerana ingin mengetahui apa yang telah terjadi. Polis yang bertugas cuba menyuraikan orang ramai lalu dia menjerit menggunakan pembesar suara. Orang ramai terperanjat dan semuanya mati.
Selepas itu emak saya mengajak saya ke pasar untuk mengelak lebih ramai lagi yang akan mati. Di pasar, emak saya menceritakan kejadian itu kepada penjual daging. Penjual daging dan peniaga-peniaga berhampiran yang mendengar cerita itu semuanya terkejut dan mati. Saya dan emak saya terus berlari balik ke rumah. Kerana terlalu penat sebaik saja sampai di rumah kami pun mati. Itulah kemalangan yang paling ngeri yang pernah saya lihat sebelum saya mati.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
The Al-Al Sisters
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Declan Galbraith - Love Of My Life
Love of my life
You've hurt me
You've broken my heart
And now you leave me
Love of my life can't you see
Bring it back bring it back
Don't take it away from me because you don't know
What it means to me
Love of my life
Don't leave me
You've taken my love
You now desert me
Love of my life can't you see
Bring it back bring it back
Don't take it away from me because you don't know
What it means to me
You will remember when this is blown over
And everything’s all miles away
When I grow older
I will be there at your side
To remind you
How I still love you
Back, hurry back
Please bring it back home to me because you don't know
What it means to me
Love of my life
Love of my life
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Hawthorne's Leaving
Friday, January 21, 2011
My Birthday
Friday, January 14, 2011
惨白的月弯弯 勾住过往
夜 太漫长 凝结成了霜
是谁在阁楼上 冰冷的绝望
雨 轻轻弹 朱红色的窗
我一生在纸上 被风吹乱
梦 在远方 化成一缕香
随风飘散 你的模样
菊花残 满地伤 你的笑容已泛黄
花落人断肠 我心事静静躺
北风乱 夜未央 你的影子剪不断
徒留我孤单 在湖面 成双
花 已向晚 飘落了灿烂
凋谢的世道上 命运不堪
愁 莫渡江 秋心拆两半
怕你上不了岸 一辈子摇晃
谁 的江山 马蹄声狂乱
我一身的戎装 呼啸沧桑
天 微微亮 你轻声地叹
一夜惆怅 如此委婉
菊花残 满地伤 你的笑容已泛黄
花落人断肠 我心事静静躺
北风乱 夜未央 你的影子剪不断
徒留我孤单 在湖面 成双
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Home Sweet Home
Random Animal Song
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Sunday, November 28, 2010
ABC About You
INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out these questions and make a new note called "ABC About You." Then tag 25 people. If you got tagged by me, you have to take this survey and re-post it! Don’t forget to tag me because I want to know more about you!
B - BIRTHDAY: 17 January 1996
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Hmm. Wen Hui...Amanda... But I'm also very good at shooting Xiao Wei. XDXD
F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT: Howl's Moving Castle - The Merry-Go-Round Of Life
H - HOMETOWN: Penang
I - IN LOVE WITH: Studio Ghibli!!!
J - JUGGLE: Er no!
K - KILLED SOMEONE: Yes...I killed my sister's balloon!!!
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Erm can't really remember...Kuala Lumpur?
M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: I dunno...haven't really taken one before XD
O - ONE WISH: I wish many things...:)
R- REASON TO SMILE: Something's funny! XD
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: The song on Wen Hui's blog?? By the way I love it!!!
T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: Very late XD Between 11 am to 1 pm??
U - UTENSILS USED TO EAT NOODLES: Chopsticks and a spoon
V - VEGETABLE: Lady's fingers...MUAHAHAHA. Do potatoes count too??
W - WORST HABIT: Daydreaming? Being weird for no reason? XD
Y - YOYOS ARE: Yoyos!
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn
Your favorite number/s: 9
What color do you wear most: I change a lot.
Least favorite color: I dunno...all colours are nice really. XD
What are you listening to: Nothing
Are you happy with your life right now: Things are going on, but life will get better :D
What is your favorite class in school: K2B - Noisiest class in the universe! And the most fun XD
Who is/are your best friend/s: I dunno...the friends who think of me as a best friend :)
Are you outgoing: Depends
Favorite pair of shoes: My new green Rubi shoes! XD
Can you dance?: I dance worse than an elephant XDXD
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth: Eww no!
Can you whistle: A little :)
Cross your eyes: Yes I think. XD
Walk with your toes curled: Yep
Do you believe in life in other planets: Yup!
Do you believe in miracles: Depends
Do you believe in magic: Magic is everywhere in places we don't notice :)
Love at first sight: Err...only between Barbie and Ken! XD
Do you believe in Santa: Haha no idea!
Do you know how to swim: Yep
Do you like roller coasters: Definitely! Fun and scary
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows: No idea
Have you ever been on a plane: Yesyes.
Have you ever asked someone out: No
Have you ever been to the ocean: Mm-hmm :D
Have you ever painted your nails? I coloured them with a pink highlighter at age 6! XDXD
What is the temperature outside?: Dunno, but I do know it's cold inside! Brrrrr...
What radio station do you listen to: Lots. Fly, Hitz, Lite - whatever comes on in my parents' cars XD
What was the last restaurant you ate at: A food court inside the shopping complex?
What was the last thing you bought:
What was the last thing on TV you watched: Harry Potter behind the scenes on MTV this morning
Who was the last person you IM'd: My brother
Who was the last person you took a picture of: Erm. Erm. I dunno!
Who was the last person you said I love you to: My family before I slept last night. XDXD
Ever really cried your heart out: I think so??
Ever cried yourself to sleep: Does this mean I still cry when I'm asleep?? Then no.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder: Nope
Do you cry when you get an injury: Only when it really really hurts XD
Do certain songs make you cry: It has to be combined with a movie scene to work properly XD - The Boy Who Drank Stars
Are you a happy person?: Depends on what you think! XD
What is your current hair color: Brownish-black
What shirt are you wearing: Yellow British India - my other comfy clothes are still being washed! XD
Pants: Long blue jeans
Shoes: No shoes!
Necklaces: None, they make me itch!
Favorite eye color: Brown, or green 0.o
Short or long hair: Short
Height: Not too tall and not too short =)
Been to jail: No I am a very good girl! XD
Mooned someone: ??
Thought about suicide: NO! Life is good. XD
Laughed so hard you cried: Nope
Cried in school: A few times?? When Ee-Chern said she wasn't coming back to school next year?? XDXD
Thrown up in a store: Eee no!
Wanted to be a model: Huh? Who would want a short model with spotty legs? 0.o
Seen a dead body: Yes...
Been on drugs: Yes! Medicine is drugs!!! XD
Gone skinny dipping: ??
Pepsi or Coke: They're about the same o.0
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King! Because I keep seeing Burger King posters next to the bus stops in Singapore!!
Single or Group Dates: Depends!
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla
Strawberries or Blueberries: Blueberries :)
Meat or Veggies: Depends on what they are! What if you gave me fish and potatoes?? Or KFC and broccoli?? XDXD
TV or Movie: Movie
Guitar or Drums: Both are cool. Guitar, I think XD
Adidas or Nike: Erm both are fine with me :D
Which is normal: Laughing with your eyes open or closed? XD