Song - Howl's Curse

Go and catch a falling star,
Get with child a mandrake root,
Tell me where all past years are,
Or who cleft the devil's foot,
Teach me to hear mermaids singing,
Or to keep off envy's stinging,
And find
What wind
Serves to advance an honest mind.

If thou be'st born to strange sights,
Things invisible to see,
Ride ten thousand days and nights,
Till age snow white hairs on thee,
Thou, when thou return'st, wilt tell me,
All strange wonders that befell thee,
And swear,
No where
Lives a woman true and fair.

- John Donne

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Today's the last day of my time in Singapore. We're going to board the 11.55 PM plane tonight (late eh? :o) and reach Penang at an estimated time of 1.20 AM (wow later eh? :O). Then...well, my mum has been joking about taking us to eat nasi kandar straight after because she misses it =.=

We're doing some last minute packing at the moment - well, at least, my mum is. Papa sleeping, sis eating lollipop and me typing this. XD

We might make a last trip to their Borders later, yeahehe. Then at around 6, we'll be heading to Changi Airport with our killer luggage. So early. It's because their airport is humongous @@ I'd get lost if I were alone!!! You should know that me = no sense of direction. Haha.

I'll miss watching cartoons with my sis here - Powerpuff Girls and CHOWDER!!! Chowder is so cute. He eats everything. XD Will post pics of him when I get home! Other than that I am so happy to be going home. Home sweet home. Then I can draw draw draw and chat chat chat and write write write properly again!!! Whoopee!!!

Okay I guess that's all for now. Bye bye!

Random Animal Song

This is what my sis and me made up.

Float like a jellyfish,
Swim like a shark;
Eat like a polar bear,
Hum like a bee!

Saturday, December 4, 2010


Wahaha I don't ever want to live in Singapore. Penang is way better! Everything is CHEAP and our people are way friendlier, AND we don't need to walk so much. My feet ache from having to walk here and there and here and there and here and there and here and there and here and there and here and there and here and there and here and there and here and there...and last night? We had to remain standing for about an hour just to board the right bus home! YOWW. It doesn't sound like much, but wait till you try it. My feet...are dead...TT.

Everything's ULTRA expensive, because their $ 1 = our RM 2.50. That is A LOT @@. And everything is self-service. It's so inconvenient! 10000000000000000000% MAHUAN. Now only do I realise how lucky Malaysians are. XDXD. So be grateful!

By the way, I think I'm quite sick of Tom and Jerry now =.=. My sis watches it every second of every minute of every hour of every day...I watched a lot with her at first, but it's getting pretty boring. I don't understand WHY Tom and Jerry comes on WHENEVER she turns on the TV. Switch on the TV in the morning, Tom and Jerry. Afternoon - Tom and Jerry. Evening - Tom and Jerry. Night - TOM AND JERRY. What is going on??? It really is like that I'm not exaggerating! But we got to watch Powerpuff Girls last night at 1.30 AM. Yay!

Oh yes. And just now, the funniest thing happened. My dad wanted to go to the toilet, and so did I. So followed him. Walk walk walk...I was thinking about something while I was walking, and, suddenly I thought something didn't feel right...BECAUSE I WAS IN THE MEN'S TOILET. What the FISH!!!

So I quicky walked out. No idea if any guy saw me. Really, WHAT THE FISH!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

ABC About You

INSTRUCTIONS: Fill out these questions and make a new note called "ABC About You." Then tag 25 people. If you got tagged by me, you have to take this survey and re-post it! Don’t forget to tag me because I want to know more about you!


B - BIRTHDAY: 17 January 1996



E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Hmm. Wen Hui...Amanda... But I'm also very good at shooting Xiao Wei. XDXD

F - FAVORITE SONG AT THE MOMENT: Howl's Moving Castle - The Merry-Go-Round Of Life

H - HOMETOWN: Penang

I - IN LOVE WITH: Studio Ghibli!!!

J - JUGGLE: Er no!

K - KILLED SOMEONE: Yes...I killed my sister's balloon!!!

L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Erm can't really remember...Kuala Lumpur?

M- MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: I dunno...haven't really taken one before XD


O - ONE WISH: I wish many things...:)


R- REASON TO SMILE: Something's funny! XD

S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: The song on Wen Hui's blog?? By the way I love it!!!

T - TIME YOU WOKE UP: Very late XD Between 11 am to 1 pm??

U - UTENSILS USED TO EAT NOODLES: Chopsticks and a spoon

V - VEGETABLE: Lady's fingers...MUAHAHAHA. Do potatoes count too??

W - WORST HABIT: Daydreaming? Being weird for no reason? XD


Y - YOYOS ARE: Yoyos!

Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Capricorn


Your favorite number/s: 9

What color do you wear most: I change a lot.

Least favorite color: I dunno...all colours are nice really. XD

What are you listening to: Nothing

Are you happy with your life right now: Things are going on, but life will get better :D

What is your favorite class in school: K2B - Noisiest class in the universe! And the most fun XD

Who is/are your best friend/s: I dunno...the friends who think of me as a best friend :)

Are you outgoing: Depends

Favorite pair of shoes: My new green Rubi shoes! XD

Can you dance?: I dance worse than an elephant XDXD

Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth: Eww no!

Can you whistle: A little :)

Cross your eyes: Yes I think. XD

Walk with your toes curled: Yep


Do you believe in life in other planets: Yup!

Do you believe in miracles: Depends

Do you believe in magic: Magic is everywhere in places we don't notice :)

Love at first sight: Err...only between Barbie and Ken! XD

Do you believe in Santa: Haha no idea!

Do you know how to swim: Yep

Do you like roller coasters: Definitely! Fun and scary

Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows: No idea

Have you ever been on a plane: Yesyes.

Have you ever asked someone out: No

Have you ever been to the ocean: Mm-hmm :D

Have you ever painted your nails? I coloured them with a pink highlighter at age 6! XDXD


What is the temperature outside?: Dunno, but I do know it's cold inside! Brrrrr...

What radio station do you listen to: Lots. Fly, Hitz, Lite - whatever comes on in my parents' cars XD

What was the last restaurant you ate at: A food court inside the shopping complex?

What was the last thing you bought:

What was the last thing on TV you watched: Harry Potter behind the scenes on MTV this morning


Who was the last person you IM'd: My brother

Who was the last person you took a picture of: Erm. Erm. I dunno!

Who was the last person you said I love you to: My family before I slept last night. XDXD


Ever really cried your heart out: I think so??

Ever cried yourself to sleep: Does this mean I still cry when I'm asleep?? Then no.

Ever cried on your friend's shoulder: Nope

Do you cry when you get an injury: Only when it really really hurts XD

Do certain songs make you cry: It has to be combined with a movie scene to work properly XD - The Boy Who Drank Stars


Are you a happy person?: Depends on what you think! XD


What is your current hair color: Brownish-black


What shirt are you wearing: Yellow British India - my other comfy clothes are still being washed! XD

Pants: Long blue jeans

Shoes: No shoes!

Necklaces: None, they make me itch!


Favorite eye color: Brown, or green 0.o

Short or long hair: Short

Height: Not too tall and not too short =)


Been to jail: No I am a very good girl! XD

Mooned someone: ??

Thought about suicide: NO! Life is good. XD

Laughed so hard you cried: Nope

Cried in school: A few times?? When Ee-Chern said she wasn't coming back to school next year?? XDXD

Thrown up in a store: Eee no!

Wanted to be a model: Huh? Who would want a short model with spotty legs? 0.o

Seen a dead body: Yes...

Been on drugs: Yes! Medicine is drugs!!! XD

Gone skinny dipping: ??


Pepsi or Coke: They're about the same o.0

McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King! Because I keep seeing Burger King posters next to the bus stops in Singapore!!

Single or Group Dates: Depends!

Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla

Strawberries or Blueberries: Blueberries :)

Meat or Veggies: Depends on what they are! What if you gave me fish and potatoes?? Or KFC and broccoli?? XDXD

TV or Movie: Movie

Guitar or Drums: Both are cool. Guitar, I think XD

Adidas or Nike: Erm both are fine with me :D

Monday, November 15, 2010

Princess Mononoke

In the moonlight I felt your heart
Quiver like a bowstring's pulse
In the moon's pure light, you looked at me
Nobody knows your heart

When the sun is gone I see you
Beautiful and haunting, but cold
Like the blade of a knife, so sharp and so sweet
Nobody knows your heart

All of your sorrow, grief and pain
Locked away in the forest of the night
Your secret heart belongs to the world
Of the things that sigh in the dark
Oh, the things that cry in the dark.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


Trees are beautiful things. The way the the green of their leaves heal you just by looking at them, and the mystical way they stand. Whenever I see trees, still or swaying, whether from inside a car, or through a window, or even when I'm just standing there, they talk to me; they whisper stories in my mind.

I have never really seen a hawthorn tree before, except in pictures. But I somehow always picture them as swaying in the strong wind, branches and sleeves of beautiful green bent outwards to one side, valiant in the effort to stay rooted to the ground. The way it is not very tall, nor pretty, but always strong.

Willow trees, however, have a different aura to them. I have only seen these trees in China before; and I have a soft spot for these trees as well due the the same name we share: 柳。 They stand beautiful and sober in the cold autumn breezes, with their branches of drooping leaves bowed down, greeting all; but yet, they too, in my mind, are just as strong in another different way.

Is it just me who likes to imagine? Trees help. My heart seems to leap out of my chest when I think of the stories and ideas that go with trees, and these I have many. Like when Hawthorne is trapped in the roots of his hawthorn tree, too weak to pick up his vined violin to save himself; or when Sophie hugs that tree in that moment with strong winds gushing about her, trying to penetrate the heart of the tree. I feel an ache of unexplainable longing when I picture all these things in my mind. Imagine it, with everything about to die, or fade to nothing, with only a tree to root everything in place, and that tree, the centre of all mystical objects with it leaves tearing off hundreds by hundreds, thousands by thousands, its twigs and broad branches that hold all life and wisdom spiralling off to the worlds beyond, never to come back to their own heart, gone forever along with their treasures; but the roots dig deeper and deeper in, knowing that if they lose, all will be lost.

The beauty of this always seems to twine around my heart, and drag it along to where this wonderful, mystical place is; but I am never there, yet never here.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's the last day of our idea if i should be glad or miserable! But it's the same anyway, because I still have to wake up early for tuition. Gah.

I'm posting this for no particular reason, it's just to fill up the page. XD

Well, I did write a poem based Howl's Moving Castle yesterday, and I might post it just for the heck of it. It's not really that good, but I really need to pick up on my skills.

Hooray for my first empty pointless post! Yay!!! XDXDXD
Anyway, I feel like a lunatic. But as we all say, cracked people are the best. And brilliant. Look at Dumbledore! Madness conquers all! Woohoo!

All right, I think I'm done ranting on nothing in particular. Bye bye!

P.S. I am crazy about cows at the moment. Call me FishyMooTze!!! MOOOOOOOOOOO

Which is normal: Laughing with your eyes open or closed? XD